The following is a report of a meeting with our Chairman and West Sussex County Council.

Dear Richard,

Please find below my responses below in relation to those items we discussed on site.

  • Vegetation opposite the Crate and Apple – 2 of my team will be visiting the site either at the end of this week, beginning of next to cut back the vegetation adjacent to the carriageway and also the vegetation that overhangs the footway.
  • Missing bollard – We will be raising a job to replace the missing bollard opposite no.73 Westgate and I will provide a timescale at a later date once I have a clearer understanding.
  • Vegetation at the Junction of the College Roundabout and Sherbourne Road – This was cut back at the end of last week to give better visibility to the weight limit signs.
  • Sandbag collection – The sandbag in question wasn’t present last week and appears to have been collected, although we found another rogue one which was removed from Westgate.
  • Footway condition – As discussed at our meeting, I have no concerns over the footway condition on Westgate.
  • Virgin Media – In terms of the process, I explained to you that Virgin Media are a Statutory Undertaker and therefore they have powers to undertake works in the highway. In terms of the works that we saw in Westgate, the reinstatements looked acceptable and I had no concerns with the cabinet positions. Any works undertaken in the highway will be inspected by one of my team and if considered acceptable will be signed off which triggers a 2 year guarantee period. If any reinstatement in the 2 year window fails then this will be formally defected and Virgin will undertake remedial works to the satisfaction of WSCC.
  • Reporting problems to WSCC – An efficient and effective way to report any future highway related issues or enquiries to us is by using one of the following links. The enquiry generated will be passed to the relevant team and person and a response should be provided within 10 working days; Report a problem with a road or pavement or raise a highways related enquiry

I trust this covers all the points discussed at our meeting but please let me know if I have missed anything or if you require clarification on any of the points above.

Kind regards,

Chris Dye

Area Highway Manager Chichester District, Economy, Infrastructure & Environment, Highways and Transport, West Sussex County Council

Colin Hicks

Site Admin - Westgate Residents' Association Chichester

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