The WSCC street lighting PFI, numbered CRM 18203 and delivered by SSE, has been causing a lot of grief for some time now. Poor and incomplete delivery, unnecessary disruption, wrong colour paint, temporary tops, brackets on listed buildings etc. The rollout of this programme seems to have been very chaotic and uncontrolled.

Thanks to one of our residents who has been on the warpath about this for many months, SSE has given notice somewhat out of the blue, that work to replace the tops of the lighting standards in Westgate has started this week (11th November). We presume they mean the heritage end of the street.

You will remember that Henty Gardens was done a few months ago: mock Victorian gas lamp tops put on disproportionately high standards.

This is how the Westgate lamp standards and tops look at the moment:


This is how they would look when finished, if indeed that is the intention:


This is the one at the end of Mount Lane. The one outside the Tannery has also been similarly “heritaged”.

Comments below please. We’ll keep you posted.

Colin Hicks

Site Admin - Westgate Residents' Association Chichester

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