Opening of The Brewery Field – June 2016

Residents will probably know by now that the Field behind the County Record Office in Orchard Street has been taken over by Chichester City Council on a 25-year lease from the County Council for the use and enjoyment of all. It is very unusual these days to be able to organise the birth and activities of a new park in a City, particularly one in a conservation area and so close to the City Centre.

The Field is the old Brewery Field where Henty and Constable kept the dray horses. The Lavant which provided the water for the brewing process still runs through it, albeit in a culvert these days.

The Field will be officially opened by the Mayor of Chichester at midday on Sunday 19th June 2016. A raffle of prizes for local shops and restaurants and community groups will take place, 25p a ticket or £1 for a strip of five. There will be some stalls by community groups and you are asked to bring your own food and drink and a seat as the Field has no amenities.

The raffle will be held after lunch at 2pm. The event will finish at 4pm.

There will be free parking in the WSCC Staff Car Park behind the County Record Office.

This event has been organised by the Friends of the Brewery Field, a volunteer gouger of residents for the Orchard/Old Somerstown, Parklands and Westgate Residents’ Associations. It is everyone’s intention to keep the field as a field and not to turn it into a manicured park. It is ideal for play, exercise and dog walking. There will eventually be a bin, a goalpost and a few seats. We are hoping to organise some educational materials for children as there are many mature trees and a lot of insects and birds in the undergrowth.

We thank you for your support.

By Colin Hicks

Site Admin - Westgate Residents' Association Chichester

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