Dear Resident,

Firstly, thank you very much to all those who have so generously contributed to the general funds of the association and to the fund for the legal opinion. There will be more expenses, but the association is now nearly solvent. We shall be holding a special committee meeting to discuss the control of the budget and ways to raise funds in the future, in November, ready for a financial report to the AGM in January (date yet to be announced).

Whitehouse Farm

Thank you also to all those who turned out for the 8th September meeting of the planning committee about Whitehouse Farm. I am sorry I was unable to be there but it was a marvellous effort. Undoubtedly, “people power” swayed the councillors‘ decision to take our views into consideration at last and tell the developers to go and think again about the ‘Southern Access Road’ and the effect the construction traffic will have on existing residents. This appears to have been effective and the developers are in urgent talks with the CDC planning department.

The gossip in the marketplace is that they are discussing routes for the construction traffic, the possibility of bringing the Southern Access Road forward to be during (but not at the beginning) of phase 1 and building the sewage pipeline to Tangmere. There was another emergency planning meeting arranged for 5th of October but this has now been postponed until 20th at 2.00pm to give more time for these talks. Watch this space – we will send another message as soon as there is definite news. The papers for the meeting must be published 10 days before it is due to be held.

Cycle Infrastructure Design Workshop

We have been informed only this week that the City Council has formed a Cycle Infrastructure Design Workshop which will meet this coming Saturday on 1st October in St Paul’s Church. Unfortunately this clashes with our monthly Coffee Morning but very interestingly the Workshop will aim to study Westgate when they split into small groups in the afternoon. For any residents with availability, this is a paying event and there are a few places left. The voluntary donation is quite high to cover the speakers’ travel/refreshments/insurance/hall hire etc.  Please go now to if you are interested in tickets, or contact Cllr Sarah Sharp at or mobile 07789 843556.

Richard Brownfield

Westgate Planters

For those who were unable to come to the last coffee morning on 3rd September it was agreed that, straight after the next one on October 1st, we would plant all the bulbs that have been donated by residents into the planters.  Please would all those planter adoptees who are wanting bulbs either come to the meeting to collect or ring me, Penny, on 01243 539669 to arrange collection. It will have to be on a first come first served basis.  Likewise, if you would like a bag of compost please let me know.

Thank you to those who have already donated bags of bulbs but MORE are still needed, please, please if you feel generous (and you don’t have to be hugely generous), bring a bag to the next meeting or drop them off with me at number 11 or with Sue and Richard at number 9.  Daffodils of any description, tulips or something more exotic would be appreciated.  There is a stall at the entrance of East Street on Wednesday mornings which sells many reasonably priced bulbs, and Poundland are selling them for £1 a bag!! The more input from residents now the more favourably a grant for refurbishing all the planters might be considered. Looking forward to seeing you on the 1st for coffee. Thank you.

Penny Tomlinson

New Social Event – “Bavardage au Pub”

On Monday 26 September at 6.30pm a new social group was launched, a get-together with others who want to practise or converse in French. This is a relaxed hour or so (no English to be spoken!) and, if you enjoy it we’ll do it again. Les personnes bilingues ou de langue maternelle française sont, bien entendu, les bienvenues! Contact Jane on 07792 708229 for more details.

Jane Davies


Do visit the WGRA website which is not only the best way to keep up with what is going on in Westgate but our secretary and webmaster, Colin Hicks, has also published a cornucopia of fascinating historical articles about our area. I was particularly interested in:

Temporary Closure of Westgate

Please note that Westgate will be closed to traffic for the Chichester Half Marathon on Saturday 9th October from 9-10am. This is the other occasion in the year when we can enjoy a traffic free street if only for a fleeting moment! Do go out and cheer the runners on.

Richard Brownfield


Next Crate and Apple Coffee morning is Saturday 1st October – All welcome

Colin Hicks

Site Admin - Westgate Residents' Association Chichester

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