First of all we recommend that you read the draft Chichester Vision document plus all supporting documents, and then respond to the survey.

The Public Exhibition Days give you the chance to comment on the ideas and suggestions contained within the Vision document. These will be on offer throughout the City between the 13 and 17 February:

  • Monday 13 Feb 0900-2100 at the City Council
  • Wednesday 15 Feb 1200-1700 at Westgate Leisure Centre
  • Thursday 16 Feb 0900-1700 at Chichester College
  • Friday 17 Feb 1200-1700 at Chichester University
  • Friday 3 Mar 1100-1800 at East Pallant House in Committee Room 2
  • Saturday 4 Mar 1100-1500 in City Council Offices (The Old Courtroom), North Street

The Vision will serve as a template against which to test new projects and proposals emerging for the City. It will guide future economic and planning policy for the City, guide how future budgets and resources are allocated, and it will help attract inward investment.

Informed by face to face surveys and workshops attended by representatives  of community and business organisations, together with a comprehensive range of studies, this Vision places people at the heart of all we do.

Deliberately aspirational, the Vision’s aim is to establish a framework in which we can protect the essence of our past while enhancing the future vitality of our city as the cultural capital of West Sussex, as a place of learning, and as an entrepreneurial retail and business centre.

Details of the businesses and organisations involved in developing the Vision are listed within the Vision document.

Now is the time for you to give your feedback and shape the final document. You have until 19 March to comment on the Chichester Vision Consultation.

Colin Hicks

Site Admin - Westgate Residents' Association Chichester

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