Dear Resident,

WSCC are carrying out a flooding survey in the “West of Chichester”, and part of Westgate is included in this. The survey and map (which I think shows the drains rather than the roads!) showing the area involved is available here.

If you have concerns about flooding near your house or have comments to make, please complete the survey. Closes 15th March.

White House Farm

The developer’s exhibition at the Baptist Church did not produce any new information
and nothing really relevant to Westgate. Plans from the exhibition for the first 160 houses and sports fields can be seen here.

My attempt to get information about the consultation process for the “Westgate Improvement Scheme” is getting nowhere at the moment, as despite a letter and an email to Mr. Frost (Head of Planning at the CDC), I have had no reply. I have asked for help from our councillors.

St. Bartholomew’s

I also wrote again to the Bishop last month asking if we could have access on an occasional basis to St. Bartholomew’s for community purposes. I have now received a reply:

“Thank you for this email. A plan for the use of St. Bartholomew’s is with our property department and about to be considered for agreement. My hope is that it will offer a diverse range of uses for that building but it is still not possible to announce what the plan is.”

Chichester Road Space Audit

This is now out for further consultation and will affect Westgate. Drop in sessions will
be held at:  The Old Courtroom, Chichester City Council, North Street on Friday 1st, Saturday 2nd and Wednesday 20th March between 10am and 4pm.

Please note that the session originally scheduled at the Baptist Church on 27th February has been cancelled.

Please try and go along if you are concerned about the parking in Westgate and make
your comments to the WSCC. We had a very positive meeting with Miles Davy who is
leading this project and he is very open to constructive suggestions.

Speed Indicating Device

I am very pleased to announce that Jeremy Harvard (29 Westgate) has volunteered to
lead with this.

Richard Brownfield

Westgate Mid-Summer Street Party

This year’s event will be held on Saturday 29th June 2019 starting at 1pm so make a note in your diaries now! Westgate (at the eastern end) will be closed to traffic as Image result for summer street party gifusual, gazebos and tables will be in place (with your help) so come along with a chair and your hampers of food and wine and join us for what we hope will be another wonderful party. Cost this year will be £10 and flyers with application forms will be distributed at the end of March. More news and full programme coming as well in the next Bulletins.

St. Bartholomew’s Prints
We have available through the Chichester Theological Trust some Peter Iden prints of St. Bartholomew’s. These are limited editions and are 500mm x 350mm in size, priced at £5 with the proceeds going to the Trust’s charity. If anyone is interested in one, please contact Brian Raincock on 07880501766 or email


Westgate Planters – the spring bulbs and flowers are looking lovely. ThanksImage result for daffodil flower gif
to all the planter people!

Coming events:
WGRA Coffee Morning – Every 1st Saturday morning of the month at the Crate and Apple. Just turn up between 10am and 11am and meet your neighbours. The next one is on 2nd March.

Knitting and Social Group – Every Monday morning from 10am – 12 noon. Knitter or Image result for knitting gifnot, please come along and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea at the Crate and Apple. Organiser: Sally Lowe (

“Bavardage au Pub” Last Monday in the month at the Crate and Apple at 6.30pm. A Image result for french gifrelaxed hour or so speaking French. All levels welcome. Contact Jane Davies  ( 07792 708229.

If you do not wish to receive further communication from the WGRA, contact the Secretary, Bebette Jones, at 6 Tannery Close (


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