From time to time issues come up that require a bit of research and forethought before being considered by the Committee. Examples of past ones are proposals for traffic calming, the lighting PFI, protection of our trees, activities on The Brewery Field, the planters, the social programme and so forth. Sometimes these give rise to an article which can be put up on this website, the bulletin or newsletter; sometimes a piece of research; sometimes a meeting with a small group of like-minded residents with a committee member to assist.
Why not write for our website? How about doing a bit of research to help the committee make informed decisions? Or submit photos of something that is bugging you or you love about our streets.
Our social programme also calls for assistance at times, such as the planning and installation of our annual street party, taking photos or making a video of the happy day, or organising the chairs and coffees at our general meetings.
If you would like to help or suggest an area of concern you would like to be involved with, then please contact us.