
The Committee has a variety of ways for keeping residents informed of news, information and activities. These are email, website, monthly bulletin, twice yearly newsletter one of which contains full information on the AGM, and a contact form via the web.

Email – Please ensure that you have registered with the RA by clicking on the link at the top of every page. Your data will not be distributed to any third parties.

The website – Your first point of call will be this website where you will find a comprehensive menu of items for information and entertainment.

Paper publications – For those without internet, we also distribute paper versions of our information. As part of this service we encourage online residents like yourself to buddy with their offline neighbours and print off these publications as and when they are available. These are currently a monthly bulletin and a twice-yearly newsletter.

An online contact form – residents can contact the officers and committee members of the association at any time via the online contact page.

Thank you.

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