Chichester Vision
What are our roads for?
The streets of the City are key to its vitality; they support movement through and within the built up area but also provide the majority of our public realm and public spaces, shaping the very character and feel of the city itself. In January 2016 West Sussex County Council, working in partnership with Chichester District Council, convened two stakeholder workshops in quick succession as part of a study into how we can make the best use of our streets. (more…)
Traffic Calming
Whitehouse Farm Development: Westgate Traffic Calming Proposals February 2016
There have been many revisions of the options proposed to manage the increases in traffic in our area that will result from building 1600 new homes, since the developers submitted their outline plans for the development of the Whitehouse Farm site in December 2014, . There are five issues the Read more…
A27 Upgrade
March Traffic update
With all the hoo-hah now associated with the Northern Bypass proposal, there are now a considerable number of traffic proposals for the committee to deal with. (Do read the full series of posts by typing traffic into the search box above then click on the magnifying glass). Know that the WHF outline Read more…
The Westgate Cycle Path 1
It is unlikely now that the WHF outline planning application will be considered at the March meeting of the CDC Planning Committee but we need to remain vigilant. Generally matters of detail may not need be considered at the stage of outline permission, but we run the risk of the CDC eventually Read more…
Has Westgate reached static traffic flow?
This post was the fourth in a weekly series of five “what-if?” suggestions proposed in parallel over the festive season 2015-16, that seek to provoke your thoughts about solutions to the traffic impacts of the development on Westgate, but which may also never see the day. [Apologies if the following analysis is rather hard to Read more…
Cycle Paths
The closure of conservation Westgate
This post was the third in a weekly series of five “what-if?” suggestions proposed in parallel over the festive season 2015-16, that seek to provoke your thoughts about solutions to the traffic impacts of the development on Westgate, but which may also never see the day. In an ideal world one would like to see Read more…
Can the rat-running on Westgate be stopped?
This post was the second in a weekly series of five “what-if?” suggestions proposed in parallel over the festive season 2015-16, that seek to provoke your thoughts about solutions to the traffic impacts of the development on Westgate, but which may also never see the day. Let alone consideration of the further problems that will Read more…
Other RAs
The trouble with the Westgate traffic calming proposals
This post was the first in a weekly series of five “what-if?” suggestions proposed in parallel over the festive season 2015-16, that seek to provoke your thoughts about solutions to the traffic impacts of the development on Westgate, but which may also never see the day. The Vectos traffic model is too limited to be Read more…
Cycle Paths
Current Traffic on Westgate
Click on each image for a closer look. Once upon a time there were horses on our streets. Here is the current state of the traffic on Westgate (with thanks to Paul Wreyford) The state of the carriageway in the conservation area after that lot has driven over it Return