Welcome to the site of the Westgate Residents’ Association (WGRA). This site forms part of the communications tools provided by the WGRA Committee to help keep our residents informed of matters of interest or concern.

How to stay informed

The easiest way to say informed, and to keep in touch with what’s going on, is to join us! Register your email NOW with the Secretary.

How to use this website

The site is designed for ease of use. Click on the top menu for the following:

Latest News – to read the latest bulletin and other information published by the committee

Westgate History – if you have just moved in, or are interested in the 2000-year history of our part of Chichester, then click on this item to discover a wide variety of topics of interest. Click on the coloured topic name if you want to dive deeper into the same theme as you are reading.

The 2022/23 Committee – if you want to know which residents have been elected to the committee then please click on this (below the Welcome topic)

Unsubscribe? Contact us? – click on this if you not longer want to receive your copy of the bulletin, have something to draw to the attention of the committee or wish to contact the Secretary on whatever matter. Our privacy policy is also available for your information under this section.

Want to explore further?

If you know what you’re looking for, use the search box on the right (or lower down if you’re on your mobile). If you would like to subscribe to the bulletin use the short cut option. To see the latest posts, or search the archive click on those items lower down.

If you get lost click on the WGRA title at the top (l/h side if on a computer) and it will take you back to the Home Screen.


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