Find on this page the documents behind our post concerning the saga of what do with the waste water coming from the 1600 homes on the WHF site. Please read the post first as these documents are highly technically detailed:

1. Albion Water’s application to the Environment Agency for a licence: [gview file=””]

2. Documents presenting the Dutch “Nereda” technology that Albion intends using on the site (reproduced with permission): [gview file=””] [gview file=””]

3. Albion’s manual for the environmental management of water: [gview file=””]

4. Albion’s calculations for the size of waste water flows on an average dry day: [gview file=””]

5. And finally Albion’s technical appendices that detail the outputs of the scheme: [gview file=””]



Colin Hicks

Site Admin - Westgate Residents' Association Chichester

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