[gview file=”http://www.westgatera.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/WGRA-Position-Statement-may-2016v6.docx”]
Tag: Planning
WSCC Response to Masterplan 26 April 2016
[gview file=”http://www.westgatera.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/WoC-MasterPlan-Response.pdf”]
Whitehouse Farm Development Update: June 2016
CDC Planning Committee 27th April The Masterplan for the new development was considered by the CDC planning committee on 27th. Amongst others, your chairman addressed the meeting on the concerns of local residents about the increased traffic which will be generated both by the 1600 new houses and 6 hectares of industrial units, but also… Continue reading Whitehouse Farm Development Update: June 2016
Whitehouse Farm Development Update: May 2016 (2)
There was a CDC Planning Committee on 27/04/2016 to consider the White House Farm Masterplan. The scheme was passed at the last minute by use of the chairman’s casting vote. The Westgate Residents’ Association runs a Traffic Action Group to review all matters concerning the impact of the Whitehouse Farm development. If you have any questions about the outcomes… Continue reading Whitehouse Farm Development Update: May 2016 (2)
Whitehouse Farm Development Master Plan: WGRA Position Statement March 2016
Please read the following document with care. This is your committee’s considered response to Chichester District Council’s planning department concerning the Master plan recently published by the Whitehouse Farm developers. It is published here to help you formulate your personal response, as only these count. You have until the 7th April 2016 to write in… Continue reading Whitehouse Farm Development Master Plan: WGRA Position Statement March 2016
Whitehouse Farm Development Traffic Proposals: WGRA Position Statement March 2016
Please read these documents with care, they contain important information which is important for the well-being of all our residents. You can download your own copy of by using the link sat the bottom of each document. At it’s meeting on 16th March 2016, the Westgate Residents’ Committee drew up its carefully considered response to… Continue reading Whitehouse Farm Development Traffic Proposals: WGRA Position Statement March 2016
The rules of the TPO (Tree Preservation Order)
Due to recent relaxation of the planning regulations by the current government and the disappearance of some trees for various other reasons, it is not easy to produce a reliable list of the protected trees in and around Westgate. We are therefore grateful to Dr Brian Hopkins, our local tree warden, for the work he… Continue reading The rules of the TPO (Tree Preservation Order)
Westgate’s Landmark Trees (updated)
Originally posted on 12 March 2016, updated on 13 June 2016. If you would like to help us keep this list up-to-date then do write in with any changes you have noticed, or join Brian Hopkins, our tree warden, on the 25th June Westgate tree walk. All tree photos are by the author unless otherwise stated. Our protected trees… Continue reading Westgate’s Landmark Trees (updated)
Bulletin No 1 February 2016
Dear Resident, Communications Policy The Association are planning a communications policy, which will involve two Newsletters a year in Spring and Autumn, which will be printed and delivered to every house in the catchment area. For those who have signed up for e-mail messages and who wish to be at the cutting edge of life… Continue reading Bulletin No 1 February 2016
Whitehouse Farm Development: Waste Water Management February 2016
Find on this page the documents behind our post concerning the saga of what do with the waste water coming from the 1600 homes on the WHF site. Please read the post first as these documents are highly technically detailed: 1. Albion Water’s application to the Environment Agency for a licence: [gview file=”http://www.westgatera.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Portsmouth-Water-Quality-Summary.pdf”] 2. Documents presenting… Continue reading Whitehouse Farm Development: Waste Water Management February 2016