Proposed Diversion of Centurion Way
Following the discussion at the AGM this morning please see this document, which is CDC Planning Officer Jo Bell’s update to the Council Planning Committee. It shows what has been agreed behind closed doors: Planning meeting Nov 15th re diversion of Centurion Way. In one click, this document can be read Read more…
Latest WGRA Traffic Management Principles for Westgate & Area
Following on from the WGRA AGM this morning it is probably worth republishing this list produced by our Traffic Action Group: No link to Westgate from the Whitehouse Farm southern access road. Reduce and eventually eliminate “rat running” along Westgate. Minimise air pollution and noise. Safe walkways, routes and crossings for Read more…
Worried about traffic speeds on Westgate?
Get involved! Speedwatch volunteers welcome… WGRA have written before about the challenges of planning the transport options for Westgate given the WHF development, but of course that is some years ahead. In the meantime, we know that traffic volumes and the speed of traffic continue to be issues for Westgate residents. Read more…
WGRA Response to the Chichester Road Space Audit
The County Council’s consultation on their audit of the road space in Chichester has now closed; we hope you were able to find the time to send in your personal response. The Committee also considered its position and the Chairman has sent in the following letter to the County Council: Read more…
A27 Upgrade
August 2017 report on the A27 discussions
Report from Sue Garman, CEO of the Chamber of Commerce The meeting on the 21st August was a lot calmer than the one held on 24th July but there are still a few people who will not entertain compromise. The MP Gillian Keegan MP has spoken with Jessie Norman, Roads Read more…
The Chichester Road Space Audit, WSCC 2016
At the beginning of 2016, The County Council commissioned an audit of the use of the roads in Chichester with a view to improving traffic conditions and parking options. You can read it from the WGRA website here. We have written to Marcus Davey, the WSCC Officer concerned, as Read more…
Whitehouse Farm Development Update: Dec 2016
Meeting with the Leader of the West Sussex County Council We can report a good meeting on December 5th between our Chairman, Louise Goldsmith (Leader and our local councillor) and Dominic Smith of the WSCC regarding this development. No big decisions were taken, but we are moving forward: We will get no Read more…
Whitehouse Farm Development Update: Nov 2016
Where do we go from here? A report from the Chairman, Dr Richard Brownfield 26th November 2016 First, THANK YOU to all the residents who came to the CDC Planning Committee meetings about the Outline Planning Consent for Whitehouse Farm. The presence of a full and vocal public gallery certainly Read more…
Cycle Paths
The Westgate Cycle Path 3
Retired traffic consultant Paul Wreyford has been a key expert assisting the four RAs concerned with the impacts of the Whitehouse Farm development. He has over forty years of detailed highway and transport design and construction experience, and assessing developers highway designs has been a major part of this. Following Read more…