NEWSFLASH BULLETIN: an opportunity for WGRA to share in a community Speed Indicator Device (SID) – we need your support now! Background Some residents will recall WGRA’s ongoing attempts to tackle speeding – our Westgate Action Week in 2019, our Community Speedwatch using a hand-held speed gun, and our previous work to try and get… Continue reading SPEEDING NEWSFLASH: ACTION REQUIRED
Category: Traffic Calming
Latest plans for Westgate ‘improvements’
You can download your own copy of the plans by clicking here. On the plan below, hover or click your mouse over the image and you can then zoom in and out using the +/- symbols at the bottom.
Worried about traffic speeds on Westgate?
Get involved! Speedwatch volunteers welcome… WGRA have written before about the challenges of planning the transport options for Westgate given the WHF development, but of course that is some years ahead. In the meantime, we know that traffic volumes and the speed of traffic continue to be issues for Westgate residents. Westgate is a designated 20mph… Continue reading Worried about traffic speeds on Westgate?
Re-planting of the Westgate Planters
The general state of the public realm in Chichester has suffered from a lack of investment in recent years and the City Council has begun work in the City Centre and with communities to renovate and maintain the various installations on our streets. Citizens will have noticed recent improvements to the City’s roundabouts and benches… Continue reading Re-planting of the Westgate Planters
The Chichester Road Space Audit, WSCC 2016
At the beginning of 2016, The County Council commissioned an audit of the use of the roads in Chichester with a view to improving traffic conditions and parking options. You can read it from the WGRA website here. We have written to Marcus Davey, the WSCC Officer concerned, as part of the recent consultation,… Continue reading The Chichester Road Space Audit, WSCC 2016
Whitehouse Farm Development Update: Nov 2016
Where do we go from here? A report from the Chairman, Dr Richard Brownfield 26th November 2016 First, THANK YOU to all the residents who came to the CDC Planning Committee meetings about the Outline Planning Consent for Whitehouse Farm. The presence of a full and vocal public gallery certainly influenced the councillors and contributed… Continue reading Whitehouse Farm Development Update: Nov 2016
All the WHF Westgate Traffic Calming Proposals – June 2016 back to Aug 2015
Traffic on Westgate
Whitehouse Farm Development: Westgate Traffic Calming Proposals February 2016
There have been many revisions of the options proposed to manage the increases in traffic in our area that will result from building 1600 new homes, since the developers submitted their outline plans for the development of the Whitehouse Farm site in December 2014, . There are five issues the committee wishes our households to… Continue reading Whitehouse Farm Development: Westgate Traffic Calming Proposals February 2016