Dear Resident, The WGRA Committee look forward to welcoming you to our AGM on Saturday, 20 November which will be held at 10am at St. Wilfrid’s Church Community Hall, Sherborne Road. In addition to the short business meeting, we will be showing a video presentation of a WGRA proposal for traffic mitigation in Westgate. This… Continue reading WGRA AGM Papers Nov 2021
Category: The WGRA
WGRA AGM Information and Papers
Dear Residents, In additions to our usual Bulletins, I am now sending out the ‘Package’ of papers for the forthcoming AGM. I realize that it involves a large number of attachments but I hope you will take the time to have a look at them in preparation for the meeting. AGM Information Our next AGM… Continue reading WGRA AGM Information and Papers
by Zoom 10.00 am Saturday 14 November 2020 FormatYou will not be surprised to learn that due to Government restrictions on numbers of people who can meet together, we cannot hold our AGM this year at St Wilfrid’s Church Hall. The committee discussed at length the options available and has decided to hold a hybrid… Continue reading NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
Bulletin No 34, April 2019
Dear Resident, White House Farm The developers have now submitted detailed planning applications for the first phase of the development, the access from the B2178, the country park and playing fields. These do not affect Westgate directly, although when construction starts we are likely to see an increase in traffic in the area. Some information… Continue reading Bulletin No 34, April 2019
AGM Bulletin No. 29 October 2018
Dear Resident, Annual General Meeting Our AGM will be held on: Saturday 17 November 2018 at 10am at St. Wilfrid’s Church Hall, Sherborne Road. There will be free coffee or tea and cakes! Anyone living in the area is welcome to attend and those members who have subscribed this year will receive a pink card… Continue reading AGM Bulletin No. 29 October 2018
Bulletin No. 28 October 2018
Dear Resident, WGRA AGM Our AGM will be held on Saturday 17 November 2018 at 10am at St. Wilfred’s Church Hall in Sherbourne Road. There will be free coffee or tea and cakes! Elections will take place for the Officers and Members of the committee. If you would like to put your name forward for… Continue reading Bulletin No. 28 October 2018
Bulletin No. 27 September 2018
Dear Resident, We are definitely in the silly season – nothing to watch on television and nothing much happening at Whitehouse Farm. The RAs, including WGRA, are keeping up the pressure on the Highways management to get the Infrastructure Working Group with the developers, off the ground, but there is nothing else to report… Continue reading Bulletin No. 27 September 2018
Bulletin No. 26 August 2018
Dear Resident, I shall be away when this bulletin is published so it will be edited by our secretary Bebette Jones. However, I wanted to add a couple of items. Firstly, I want to say how grateful we are to Julia Smith for all the work which she put into the Westgate Action Week. Under… Continue reading Bulletin No. 26 August 2018
Bulletin No. 25 July 2018
Dear Resident, I hope you are enjoying this lovely warm weather. Please give the planters a cooling drink whenever you can. Are you fed up with the traffic in Westgate? During the week of 9th to 13th July it is planned to hold a Westgate Action Week. The object of the week is to draw… Continue reading Bulletin No. 25 July 2018
Westgate’s Royal Wedding Street Tea Party
All residents of Westgate, Henty Gardens, The Tannery, Bartholomew and Tollhouse Close are warmly welcomed to join in the street celebrations for Meghan and Harry’s nuptials. Download a Street Party Flyer here for your information or to put in your window. The street tea party will be held at the city-end of Westgate from 2.00pm. The… Continue reading Westgate’s Royal Wedding Street Tea Party