Bulletin No. 27 September 2018

Dear Resident,


We are definitely in the silly season – nothing to watch on television and nothing much happening at Whitehouse Farm. The RAs, including WGRA, are keeping up the pressure on the Highways management to get the Infrastructure Working Group with the developers, off the ground, but there is nothing else to report so this will be a short bulletin.

Web Site

The webmaster is now Finan Letts who is also being co-opted onto the committee. He is just updating the existing site to keep it going at the moment, as his new baby is due soon, but may make changes in due course. If you want to contact him, his email address is finan_letts@hotmail.com

A big thank you to Colin Hicks for setting up the website and all the work he has done for the WGRA in the past.

I regret that I shall not be at the next two coffee mornings. If you want to contact me, please do so on chair@westgatera.org.uk

Richard Brownfield

Coming Events

WGRA Coffee Morning – Every 1st Saturday morning of the month at the Crate and Apple. Just turn up between 10am and 11am and meet your neighbours. The next one is Saturday 1 September.

WGRA AGM – Our AGM will be held on Saturday 17 November 2018 at 10am at St. Wilfreds Church Hall. Please make a note in your diaries. All are welcome but remember that only paid up members of WGRA are entitled to vote at the meeting.

Knitting and Social Group – Every Monday morning from 10am – 12 noon. Knitter or not, please come along and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea at the Crate and Apple. Organiser: Sally Lowe (sallylowe10@gmail.com)

“Bavardage au Pub” – Last Monday in the month at the Crate and Apple at 6.30pm. A relaxed hour or so speaking French. All levels welcome. Contact Jane Davies (janedavies31@gmail.com) 07792 708229.

Brewery Field Picnic – Transition Chichester’s 10th Birthday celebrations continue with a Community Bring and Share picnic on Sunday, 2nd September from 12-4pm in Brewery Field. If you can, bring a little bit of food / drink to share and enjoy the green stalls and, hopefully, good weather in this beautiful community field. The Field is behind the car park at the back of the WSCC Records Office on Orchard Street, Chichester, PO19 1DD.

Bebette Jones

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