Seasonal Greetings from the Chairman
Dear Resident,
I hope that our members will all have a very Happy Christmas and a healthy and successful New Year. Many of you will be spending time with family and friends, please also think about any neighbours, who may be alone or less fortunate. Westgate has a reputation for being a very friendly area and this is a good time for this to be realised.
The end of the year is the traditional time to look back over the last twelve months. I shall be doing this at the AGM, but I should like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have been so active in supporting the Association, both in attending the planning meetings and the social events – the street party, the coffee mornings and the Christmas Party. There has also been good support for the other events organised at the Crate and Apple – the Knit and Natter, the Baveradage and the Quiz evenings. These all contribute to a successful community. Lastly, thank you to the residents who have adopted a planter. We look forward to Westgate in bloom next year. I hope the future will continue to be as successful and if you have ideas for more activities to bring the community together, especially if you will lead them, please come forward and let us help you.
Whitehouse Farm Development update
I can report a good meeting on December 5th with Louise Goldsmith and Dominic Smith of the WSCC regarding this development. No big decisions, but I think we are moving forward:
- We will get no detail about the route of the Southern Access Road (SAR) until the Section 106 agreement has been signed (in about 4 months), and the preliminary design work started (a further 2 months).
- Dominic is absolutely adamant that the end of Westgate will be severed to protect it from rat-runners entering from the SAR.
- The SAR will definitely go into Cathedral Way, presumably at the College roundabout and not as shown on the Local Plan.
- Louise is pressuring the developers to do the SAR as soon as possible and not wait until the 125th
- Louise and Dominic are definite that there will be a consultative group with RAs and the developers with officers, which will be able to influence the final design. The membership of this will vary depending on what issues are being discussed, but we are guaranteed a seat for ‘our bit’.
- The signalisation of the Westgate-Ave de Chartres roundabout at our eastern end is extremely likely to happen.
Richard Brownfield, Chairman
The WGRA AGM, Saturday January 14th at 2pm
Dear Resident,
Our Annual AGM is on its way. With apologies for the amount of paper, please find attached to this Bulletin:
- The 2017 AGM Agenda
- The Minutes of the 2015 AGM
- The Financial Report
- Nominations to the Committee for election
- A 2017 Revised Constitution to be voted upon. As outlined in our constitution, any rule changes must be accepted by a two-thirds majority of those attending.
At the conclusion of business, tea and cakes will be served with an opportunity to meet your neighbours.
As usual we are asking all buddies to confer with their neighbours without Internet to print off paper copies of these AGM Papers.
The Committee would like to thank everyone for their support of the Association in the past year and look forward to welcoming you to the AGM in January.
Colin Hicks, Secretary