Bulletin No. 24 June 2018

Westgate’s Royal Wedding Street Tea Party

Thank you very much to Annette, Brian, Charlotte, Helen, Kathryn, Nikki and Noel for all the hard work that they put into organising the Street Party and making it such a success. Thank you also to our judges, Lois and Sarah and to everyone who turned up to help set up and decorate the street on the Saturday morning and particularly those who stayed on and helped clear up. The weather was good for once and I thought this was the best street party so far. The street looked fantastic and everything seemed to go without a hitch. Congratulations! Photographs from the party appeared in the Chichester Observer and even The Telegraph! An album of photographs taken on the day is being compiled and there will be a link to them on the WGRA website for all to see. Thank you also to all the people who generously gave prizes and bought tickets for the raffle. The marvellous sum of £309 was raised for St. Wilfred’s Hospice.

Richard Brownfield

Note – there are still quite a few items of lost and found from the Street Party. Please contact Kathryn 07809 668640 if you left anything behind.

Westgate Action Week and Bollard Painting

As mentioned in the last bulletin and newsletter, preparations are well under way for the Westgate Traffic Action and Bollard Painting Week. This is your chance to get involved with the Westgate community – no date for this busy week has been set yet and when this is finalised, we will let you know by email. In the meantime volunteers are needed and very welcome so please contact:-

Julia Smith if you can help with creating, putting up and taking down signs, joining morning or evening groups on the street to record traffic, take photographs and create a more visible street presence. For training to use the speed camera, please click here.

Brian Raincock needs volunteers for the Bollard painting so please let him know if you can help with preparation / painting or being a much needed traffic steward on the day.

Planter Reminder

Now that the spring bulbs are over, please can all those residents who have kindly adopted a planter to give them a good clear out ready for the summer flowering.

Pub Award

Our friendly local, The Crate and Apple has won the title of ‘Best Local Pub and Restaurant’ in West Sussex. Congratulations to Andy Jeffcoate and his team! Andy is planning several special summer events at the Crate so keep a lookout at his notice board to see what’s coming up.

WGRA Subscriptions

A note from our Treasurer: Voluntary subscriptions of £10 per household to the WGRA give paid up members a vote at the AGM and thereby have a say in the direction and policy of the Association. The subscriptions are not used for social events but form the fund by which we can continue to monitor and lobby the developers, CDC and WSCC over those aspects of White House Farm developments that directly affect our residents. So if you subscribed last year and have not yet done so this year, or if you have not subscribed before, please seriously consider doing so, by dropping off cash or a cheque payable to Westgate Residents Association to our Treasurer at 72 Westgate. Don’t forget to put your name on the envelope so we can update our record of subscribing members.

General Data Protection Regulations

This was explained in our April Bulletin and for further information, please take a look at our Privacy Policy which is available on our website. If you do NOT wish to receive email communications from us, you can click on “unsubscribe” on the website home page or at the end of this bulletin and we will remove your details from our data base.

Accident Book

A reminder that should you have an accident or injury while taking part in an activity organised by the WGRA, please inform Brian Raincock at 4 Mount Lane 01243 539138 (braincock@clfl.co.uk) so that he can log it in our Accident Book for insurance purposes.

Coming Events

Every 1st Saturday morning of the month – WGRA Coffee Morning at the Crate and Apple. Just turn up between 10am and 11am and meet your neighbours. The next one is Saturday 2 June.

Every Monday morning from 10am – 12 noon- Knitting and Social Group. Knitter or not, please come along and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea at the Crate and Apple. Organiser: Sally Lowe

Last Monday in the month – “Bavardage au Pub” at the Crate and Apple at 6.30pm. A relaxed hour or so speaking French. All levels welcome. Contact Jane Davies 07792 708229. NOTE: due to the bank holiday the next meeting will be on Monday 4 June.

Bebette Jones

From our correspondents

With all the changes going on concerning our local transport networks, the Committee recommends that you have a look at South Coast Alliance for Transport and the Environment (SCATE), which is promoting 21st century sustainable transport solutions. Click here for more information.

Janice Rogers who writes for RV-lifestyle online magazine has enjoyed reading our website and recommends you take a look at her latest guide to the 100 best things to do in England. (For those not in the know, RV stands for recreational vehicle, ie your mobile home or caravan or just the tent in the back of the car.)


And now for those of you who missed the party

Here is the ode composed and read out by Richard on the day…

Westgate Ode 2018


We start the day in saddest mode

We’ve lost the writer of our ode

Hubert Doggart, pedagogue

Has left us here and gone to God

He would sharpen up his quill

And catch the couplets to us thrill

And when the verse was all complete

He’d read it out and charm the street

But now he sits upon a cloud

And plays his harp so very loud

That even Peter holds his ears

While here below we shed our tears

But welcome to our friendly street

where every year all people meet

without the mighty traffic roar

we are at peace, our spirits soar.

This corner of our sceptred Isle

our hearts are big, our faces smile

Our home, where all do realise

This is our demi paradise.


This year, a special wedding calls

Bells ring out, we’ve decked the halls

Many of you watched them marry

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry

The promise made, the vows are said

The bishop says that they are wed

And now they’ll drive around the town

In army suit and special gown

Carried in a gilded coach

the common people to approach

that they may see, and they may cheer

the happy couple, the new Royal pair.

The Queen has said he is a Duke

and with his Duchess they will look

to Sussex wide and rolling Downs

Cathedral city, market towns

We are proud they bear our name

To share the honour, we do claim


Thank you to each Westgate Belle

Noel and Brian there as well

They organised this festive day

So that WE can all make hay

Let us sing and let us rhyme

Enjoy! It’s Westgate party time

Richard Brownfield


If you do not wish to receive further communications from the WGRA, send an email to the Secretary, Bebette Jones, at 6 Tannery Close with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject box. Thank you.

By Colin Hicks

Site Admin - Westgate Residents' Association Chichester

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