Within One Mile of Westgate (updated)

New to Westgate? Here is a list of places of interest within one mile of Westgate, kindly supplied by Lois and the late Brian Cope at no 64. Go exploring! NORTH-WEST QUADRANT Baptist Church, Sherborne Road Betting shop, Parklands Bishop Luffa School (secondary), Westgate railway end Brewery Field, behind the Record Office: nearest for dog-walkers Butcher,… Continue reading Within One Mile of Westgate (updated)

Hidden Westgate Histories: The Westgate Lavant

An extract from Loader's 1812 town plan showing Westgate.

Most residents are familiar with our winterbourne, the River Lavant. Winterbourne because it is a seasonal stream that comes down from the Downs, filtered out of the chalk after the Winter rains. Most of us are familiar with its current course on the West side: emerging from the City from underneath the Fountain public house… Continue reading Hidden Westgate Histories: The Westgate Lavant

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