Hidden Westgate Histories: St Sepulchre Round Church

I am indebted to resident Anne Dare for drawing my attention to this rare image of St Sepulchre's

The current St Batholomew’s church in Mount Lane off Westgate is not the first church to have appeared on this site. The suburbs extra muros of St Pancras to the east and of St Sepulchre to the west date back to Roman times, both housing 3rd century cemeteries within their parishes, with the main one… Continue reading Hidden Westgate Histories: St Sepulchre Round Church

The Brewery Field: Community Open Day 2017

After 105 years absence, it was an emotional moment to see a brewery dray enter the Brewery Field this Sunday as two magnificent shire horses, Pride and Griffin, were driven in by John Medhurst, their driver for the past 28 years. The Fullers Horse and Dray was the star attraction of the annual Community Open… Continue reading The Brewery Field: Community Open Day 2017

Hidden Westgate Histories: The Westgate Lavant

An extract from Loader's 1812 town plan showing Westgate.

Most residents are familiar with our winterbourne, the River Lavant. Winterbourne because it is a seasonal stream that comes down from the Downs, filtered out of the chalk after the Winter rains. Most of us are familiar with its current course on the West side: emerging from the City from underneath the Fountain public house… Continue reading Hidden Westgate Histories: The Westgate Lavant

The Westgate Brewery part 2

This article appears as a complement to the one published earlier this year From Brewing to Business Services The Westgate Brewery (now home to Mercers, a pensions firm) was founded in 1751 probably by John Dearling and from 1793, taken on by William and Edward Humphrey. The brewery’s association with the Henty family seems to date… Continue reading The Westgate Brewery part 2

The Chichester and Midhurst Railway: Level Crossing

Article adapted from one originally researched and compiled by Paula Chatfield of Parklands RA for her excellent Easter Trail series and re-published here by permission. Before the railway arrived (see 1813 map below), the Westgate/Fishbourne Road was the main road (for foot and horse traffic) between Chichester and Portsmouth. In 1846/7 a level crossing opened… Continue reading The Chichester and Midhurst Railway: Level Crossing

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