Brewery Field Community Open Day

Don’t miss the Brewery Field Community Open Day on Sunday 20th August, 12-4pm.

From 1751 to 1954 the Field was on the site of the Westgate Brewery, which produced beer for inns and pubs across Sussex. In 1811 the Brewery was rebuilt, to become the largest in Chichester, and in 1827 it was taken over by the Henty family.


The Field was where the brewery kept the dray horses for deliveries. For a period it was known as Henty Field. Now on a long lease from West Sussex County Council, the Field is being looked after by Chichester City Council, who have invited local residents to organise community activities here.


After a ballot in 2016 it was renamed “The Brewery Field” and on 20th August 2017, two Shire horses and a dray will be back on the Field for a day. The whole community is invited to come and see these magnificent animals and hitch a ride!


Did you know it is a community field? Come along on Sunday 20th August from 12-4pm and find out more. There will be activities, displays and Dray rides. Bring a picnic!

This is a Transition Chichester project in partnerships with the the Friends of Brewery Field.

How to get there

The Brewery Field is behind the car par at the back of the WSCC records office on Orchard St PO19 1DD.



By Colin Hicks

Site Admin - Westgate Residents' Association Chichester


  1. I spoke to someone regarding having a stall at the Brewery Fayre and now do not have a contact number. my number is 07732553009

  2. Can you verify event on Sunday please and give me info on procedures please ASAP Thank you

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