White House Farm Not much happening at the moment, but the Chairman will be meeting with Louise Goldsmith at County Hall on 16th March for a review. The Tannery At a meeting of the South Chichester County Local Committee on 20 February 2018, a proposal was put forward to use County Hall, Orchard Street and… Continue reading Bulletin No.22 March 2018
Category: Locals’ Nights
February Social Events
Don’t miss these upcoming events! Saturday 3rd February – WGRA Coffee Morning at the Crate and Apple. Just turn up between 10.00am and 11.00am and meet your neighbours. Tuesday 27th February “Locals’ Night” at the Crate and Apple – Wine tasting. Details from Andy Cost: £25pp 30 – 20.30 10 – 12 wines Fun, casual and… Continue reading February Social Events
Winter dates for your diary!
Don’t miss our social activities this side of Christmas. Residents’ Coffee Morning Saturday 4th November at the Crate and Apple pub from 10am Saturday 2nd December at the Crate and Apple pub from 10am Annual General Meeting – note the change of time please Saturday 25th November at St Wilfrid’s Church Hall at 10am. Tea and… Continue reading Winter dates for your diary!
What’s going on at The Crate & Apple in October?
Andy Jeffcoate and team are now firmly established at the Crate & Apple at the top of Westgate, and you are assured of a warm welcome. New Autumn Menu A new menu was launched on 25th September to bring the food offer in line with the Autumn Season. The first weekend went well and the menu… Continue reading What’s going on at The Crate & Apple in October?
Local’s Night Latest Menus
From 10th May 2017, our local pub’s LOCALS’ NIGHT will move to a monthly slot on the second Wednesday of the month. These are fantastically well-priced for everyone at £12 including two courses and a drink of beer or house wine, three courses will set you back £17 and extra drink is available from the… Continue reading Local’s Night Latest Menus