Westgate takes on its street planters, May 2016

Pimp you urban tree

Report of a meeting between the Residents’ Association and Chichester District Council, 25h May 2016 A useful meeting lasting 1 1/2 hours spent visiting each planter/area. The City team were keen to point out that if we are to take responsibility of the planters on Westgate then we must continue the upkeep and there would… Continue reading Westgate takes on its street planters, May 2016

Westgate Planter and Public Space survey

Pimp my pavement - how to improve your urban tree

We are grateful to Brian Raincock of 4 Mount Lane for doing this survey of the state of our planters and public spaces along Westgate. The Committee is in negotiation with the City Council to take over the management of these spaces and Penny Tomlinson of 11 Westgate has agreed to take on the coordination… Continue reading Westgate Planter and Public Space survey

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