The Best of Chichester

The Top 10 Local Attractions Chichester Cathedral Tangmere Military Aviation Museum Chichester Festival Theatre Weald and Downland Museum Bishop’s Palace Gardens Bosham Quay Fishbourne Roman Palace West Dean Gardens Tinwood Estate Vineyard Kingley Vale Top 10 Eateries Thyme and Chillies, Apuldram The Old Greenhouse, Fishbourne The Fox Goes Free, Charlton Wahaca, South Street Billy’s on… Continue reading The Best of Chichester

Who’s Who?

2022/23 Committee Following the AGM in November 2022, the following people have been elected to serve you: Sarah Quail (Chair) 44 Westgate Bebette Jones (Secretary) 6 Tannery Close Vince Waldron (Treasurer) 72 Westgate Clare Heath 21 Westgate Kathryn Kellagher 25 Westgate Brian Raincock 4 Mount Lane Julia Smith 66 Westgate

The Brewery Field Update – Dec 2015

The Brewery Field is the new community open space that lies at the heart of Orchard Street, Westgate and Parklands. The Westgate Residents’ Association is happy to devote this part of its web space to a joint venture designed to support the creation of the Friends of The Brewery Field, following the successful public meeting… Continue reading The Brewery Field Update – Dec 2015

Prehistoric Westgate

This article forms the first in a series on the archaeology of Westgate and is adapted with their permission from an archaeological desk-based assessment prepared by SLR Consulting Ltd on behalf of Chichester College in 2013. The numbers on the above map refer to objects mentioned in the text below that have been found and registered in the Historic… Continue reading Prehistoric Westgate

Historical images

Click on each image for a closer look. The olde West Gate itself? According to the caption, looking down West Street in 1782 from outside the walls, or is it? Historians are of the view that this is in fact Eastgate with the City prison on top, demolished in 1783. The other gates were demolished… Continue reading Historical images

Views of Westgate today

Click on each image for a closer look.  The new lamps Complete with rainbow! (Photo: Clare Blythman)   Thank goodness we can close the street one day a year for the  Westgate Street Party! One of our rare trees Back

Picture Gallery

A pot of gold for Westgate? Fab photo sent in by Clare Blythman: Welcome to the Westgate image gallery. It’s not quite the Pallant House Gallery but there is some art. View here a variety of selections from our collection of old and new Westgate photos. If you want a bigger or full screen view,… Continue reading Picture Gallery

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